Welcome to the sehnsucht's lair

This is my retro html homepage. Please, make yourself at home...

■ Introductions
Name's Paolo, I'm a 26yo medschool undergrad with a strong passion for neuroscience, infectious diseases and pathology. I live South of Rome, in a nice area known for its cuisine and its compelling landscapes. I've grown up in close contact with nature and will hardly tolerate spending more than few days in the frantic and polluted life of the Italian capital city. ■ Beliefs
While I lean towards atheism, I find it hard to identify with it, as I retain some sort of spirituality and veneration for the inherent mystery of life. I like to think all creatures are linked together by the steady stream of becoming.
From a philosophical and ethical standpoint, I may consider myself an existentialist or a postmodernist, given my sympathy for Simone de Beauvoir, Jacques Derrida and alikes. However, it must be noted that those definitions are burdened by non-negligible semantic limits.
Politically speaking, I have no serious interest in current politics, I often tend to catch up on news late, and that's indeeed a bad habit of mine. That said, I sympathize for anarcho-socialism, and I like the idea of communalism and cooperatives, although I reckon such models would prove hard if not impossible to apply on a larger scale to the reality of modern countries, at least not in the short term, and not without a profound and radical change. I am vegetarian, looking forward to turning full vegan in future. My choice was driven by both ethical and ecological considerations. ■ Plans
I'm currently working on a thesis which involves the use of voxel-based morphometry (MRI post-processing) to study the impact of chronic pain on certain brain areas among people struggling with trigeminal neuralgia.
In keeping with this, I hope to become a neurology resident next year, providing I will score high enough at the national exam.
I would love to go on trip, alone as I've done in the past, possibly using an Interrail ticket or even better by getting involved in something like WWOOF. This is, obviously assuming the pandemic will be on the verge of its demise somewhere in a not too far future. ■ Pastime
I like classic literature, but also sci-fi and post-cyberpunk novels (currently onto the 2nd chapter of the Altered Carbon Trilogy), as well as seinen/psychological manga. I'm also an avid poetry reader.
As a former inline hockey player, I like hanging around town on roller-blades. I also love skiing, swimming at the lake, especially at sunrise, walking and mountain biking in woods.
I'm addicted to music and my headphones never leave me no matter where I go; there's always a good soundtrack to accompany my journey. I'm especially into progressive rock and metal, but also appreciate indie, folk, blues, reggae and classical music.
I have a strong interest in computer science, UNIX, FOSS, networking, privacy, self-hosting, decentralization, lisp, retrocomputing, alternative protocols, (Free)DOS gaming and development. My home server consists of a bunch of ARMv8 boards running NetBSD. My inclination for minimalism eventually led me to discover communities revolving around public access unix shells, like SDF or GREX, tildes, newsgroup servers, Gopher/Gemini, BBSs and XMPP.
I like cooking (simple dishes from the Italian tradition, sometimes adapted to be vegetarian) and I've been told I'm actually a good cook; well, I won't deny good feedbacks are always welcome! ■ Misc

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